Tribe Okra

Tribe Okra
On the way to the Okra Festival in Burkville, Amos Kennedy, Kim Ransdell, and I took a little side trip to Greensboro, AL, to see the newly-built Lions Park.

Tribe Okra

Designed and constructed by architecture students from Auburn University’s Rural Studio, the “skate playground” inside the park was created on the existing green space without completely leveling the ground.

Tribe Okra

The exposed concrete edges of the skate ramps blend nicely with the cushion of soft grass and trees.

Tribe Okra

Tribe Okra

Tribe Okra

Tribe Okra

But no lights (as of yet) that turn on at night to illuminate this concrete playground — the only one of its kind for miles and miles, a welcome (re)treat for the residents of Hale County, Alabama.

Tribe Okra
Hey, Amos, wait UP!