BREAD & PUPPET Printshop Internship: Week 4
(July 18-24, 2012) Binding books by hand can take a long time if one had to punch every sewing hole with an awl and a punching guide. With a Tim Moore Signature Punch, new holes are punched by steel pins neatly arranged on a stable wooden block. Just place the signatures on the guides, press the arm down, and presto!
Sewing holes line up perfectly along the spine, each time, every time. It is a simply elegant tool, well-designed, useful and very easy to use. That stack of books you see in the photo above was all but an hour’s work! I then had more time to spend downstairs on the printshop floor to help hardworking Lila and Michelle print large banners!
During the summer, the printshop opens its doors to theater interns, volunteers and puppeteers. They help paint posters, or print banners for the Museum. Big banner printing needs a LOT of helping hands, and everyone gets to experience printing as a vital part of the theatre as a self-supporting community.